Monday, April 20, 2009

Okay firstly I need to apologize about not blogging. My mum took away my laptop so I was stuck without internet. It has been hell.

Anyways Daphne Ang called my mum again because I didnt do her homework. *Groans* My mum is pissed SUPER pissed..

Im alone at home right now so im sneaking laptop usage. Hooray! I think ill be a good boy today. Im gonna go do work and study ;D
(Btw sorry again for not updating =P)

Leonard blogged at 12:07 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I havent been attending school for the past 2 days cuz im so darn sick.

Im supposed to buy Manu's guitar damnit. And laugh at more of Farhan's jokes. Like that day when Elijah gave him a weirdo joke during PE.

EJ: " Farhan, what does a skeleton say to another before he eats?"

Farhan: "Fuck. You."

EJ: "Nuuuu Wrong! Its Bone Appetit! Get it? Get it!" *laughs*

Farhan: "Im not gonna fucking sit here anymore.."

I couldnt stop laughing. I swear I was laughing so hard I cried.


Leonard blogged at 5:44 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

WOW! I caught the flu bug from my dad. Awesome!


Hahahhahahaha Kendrick and KaiYuan PWNED

Leonard blogged at 6:55 AM

Rainy Rainy day. Gawooosh Pewwwwww

And like has anyone else realised that Selena Gomez is really really really really .... (goes on and on) ..... pretty? Lols ive been stuck at home for the past few days like some caged bird or something. (A very awesome caged bird I might add)

I still want my toy gun and bendbullets.

Leonard blogged at 1:45 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Wooo good friday! No school! Awesome! EXCEPT for one thing!! IM STUCK AT HOME DAMNIT!!

Wow. I exploded on my blog. Isnt that just glamourous? And I found out from Dominic that Chelsea beat Liverpool. Yay! Lets see...what to blog about.

Well firstly I watched the show Wanted starring Angelina Jolie. Awesome show and it made me want to bend bullets. I think ill buy a pellet shooting toy gun tomorrow just to satisfy my needs to try it out. Or maybe get Manu to buy one for me.

Yes I am a super human fella who can make bullets curve and I have superhuman dexterity. And when i get pissed, my heart beats at an excess of 400beats per minute, pumping large amounts of adrenaline into my bloodstream making me look and react faster than normal. Yay.

Oh and did I mention that i grow? (suggestive winks: in more ways than one)

Stop smiling Farhan.
And has anyone seen that new commercial on channel 5. The Funeral one. It is an awesome advertisement.

Leonard blogged at 8:00 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

OKAY I know I have blogged. But im going to post a funny picture. Just cause i know Azman reads my blog and he loves these pictures. JOshua loves them as well.

Well Azman, here you go.

Hilarious <3

Leonard blogged at 6:11 AM

SO...we had Floorball interclass today.

Epic fail.

And err nothing much was done today. Class was boring as always.
Joshua and I were slacking in the morning and we spent the whole 20 mins during morning assembly arguing about an ant. He wanted to kill it and I wanted him to spare its life. Then he went on about how ants "didnt have a soul" and that "they had no feelings" while I was insisting that ants deserved to live etc etc etc
He stepped on it and I failed to stop him. But it didnt die and was very badly injured. I got Joshua to end it quick cuz I dont want to see the ant die a slow painful death. Hoorah.....
Ping Pong Show on channel 8 is gay. Really.

Leonard blogged at 5:55 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Its raining raining raining lalalalala

Hahaha luckily I had an umbrella. Sheltered Bob to the coffeshop. Gayness. Awesome.

Ehms..what else did I do, hmm...I say Alaster pwning Daphne Ang in class today. Awesome-er.

And recess pretty much sucked today. Ass of a lower sec guy was pushing and shoving and he actually TOUCHED me. I wanna tear his throat with my finger like in Ong Bak 2.

6 Piece Chicken thingy from Macdonalds was pretty nice. Loved it. And like one more thing. Is this like some SUPER SPECIAL week or something. Almost all the girls i communicate with told me its "that time of the month" and complain on and on and on about how horrid their "cramps" are.

Even on the bus just now. I was sitting beside some cedarian and when her stop came, she stood up............ (weird look on her face)............ sits back down again. Then she told her friend sitting opposite about "cramps" and they both giggled and nodded in approval like WTH..

Not awesome.

Leonard blogged at 3:41 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Updated my blog music. Check out "Best of me - The Starting Line"

Its pretty good.

So nothing much happened today and yesterday. I pretty much stayed at home the whole time. There isnt a game on my mum's laptop so im extremely bored. Oh and that "confident" lady turned out to be Tiffany's old childcare teacher or something. Ouch. =P

I love life seriously. No one in my secondary school has ever seen me get angry before. Neither have i seriously injured someone with my legs/fists. But occasionally i bang them, knocking the wind out of them. Haha who was the one who said my strongest muscle was my AHEM? Cant remember.


Leonard blogged at 10:11 PM

Lols Elizabeth Saboed me to do this. Luckily I know how to copy and paste from her source <3>
1.Besides your lips, where is ur favourite spot to get kissed?
* Neck!
2. How do you feel when u woke up this morning?
* Ughhhhh........
3. Who was the last person you tooka photo with?
* Tricia
4.Would you consider to be spoiled?
* Hell no!
5. Would you ever donate blood?
*Sure. Its just blood anyways
6. Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
* A couple I guess
7. Do you wan someone dead?
* Yeah i Do have some losers in mind
8. What does your last test msg say?
* "Sobbs Okay"
9. What are you thinking of right now?
* What new song to learn on my guitar
10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
* Kinda =3
11. When did you go to sleep last night?
* About 12:30 After watching The Ring 2
12. Where did you brought ur T-shirt that you are wearing now?
* John Little...
13. Is someone in your mind right now?
* Yeah
14. Who is the last person who texted you?
* Elizabeth
15. People tagged to do this quiz?(SABO TIME!!!)
1* Elizabeth (Done)
2* (Betty (Done)
3* Nitro
4* Wilson
5* Spencer
6* Alynna
7* Keith
16.Who is 2 having relationship with?
* Some dude I guess
17.Is 3 female or male?
* A guy
18. If 7 and 10 gets together will it be a good thing?
* There is no 10 =)
19. What is 1 studying about?
* Ask her yourself.
20. Is 4 single?
* Erms no. He is dating my pri sch friend's best friend. Haha
21. Say something about 5.
* Awesome Bro of mine. Been buddies for 10 years since pri 1. Band mate. Great />22. What do you think about 3 and 6 together?
* Err They dont even know each other. Huge age gap. And alynna might just bite his head off.
23. Describe no.9
* There isnt a number 9.
24. What will you do if 6 and 7 fight?
* Doubt they will. Ill just stand there and laugh.
25. Do you like no.8?
* There isnt a number 8 <3

Leonard blogged at 7:36 PM


So my dad took away his laptop and my mum wants to send me for internet councelling just because i spend 3 hours on it everyday. What The Fuck.

Im extremely bored and some people on msn are seriously pissing me off because their computer has a virus and they keep msging me stupid things.

Exam coming soon. Time to study.

Leonard blogged at 1:56 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sports day today. Went to get my attendance taken by Desmond and then I ran out with chenghui, andre, yonghui ++. It felt like Mission Impossible 4 and was wonderfully exhilarating.

SO yeah we managed to escape from school successfully otherwise I would have had to stay at the event until 6 in the evening. Instead, I went to a jam studio with Spencer, Andre and Kohong. We played Check Yes Juliet and several other songs. It was quite bad lah but I had fun.

Yeah fun!! Hahaha. Theres a video on youtube but I dont wanna let you guys hear it. Its horrid.

On other news. Megan Joy has been eliminated from Idol. Yay.

Life sucked yesterday. Zac Lim accidentally scratched me cuz he and some other laboozos were trying to button my shirt on backwards so that i couldnt take it off. Long scar. No blood at all but skin is torn off. And the scar is this long:


On my hand! Also, somehow a staple bullet got into my potato chips. I bit on a handful on crumbs and it got stuck into my gum. It swelled up yesterday but i used my chi-gong to dispel it out. Im healed completely within 12 hours. *Bows*

Thank you for your concern. You made me heal faster than I shouldve.

Leonard blogged at 5:18 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy APril FOols DaY

Apparently, Me and Tricia are still at loggerheads. Yes Beal, I know youre reading this.

Adam Lambert just performs on American Idol. I swear he f(yay)ing owns the competition.

I think he is so going to win la.. But if America has no taste then... =P

So Happy April Fools everyone! I hope youve made someone really unhappy today.
Chinese Oral today was great. Afterall, my Chinese teacher did mutter "hen hao"* to me :D

Check out the new S-factor show on Channel 5 btw. Oh and keep your eye out f0r one lady at the audition. Shes erm..fat. And her hair is...bleh. And her face and accent are like so omgwtfbbqyay. Quoting her, "I have the face for the cover". AND they are all in FHM btw. WOW! Let me try to get a picture of her.


Leonard blogged at 4:33 AM

Strumming away my thoughts...
the rhythm of my heart...


Leonard Tan

Sixteen Already

Gemirus (21/05/93)

Gemini + Taurus Hybrid

Full of nonsese

St Andrews Secondary





Dedication to my work

Luck in my endeavours

At least 200bucks in savings

New sneakers

New threads

Better internet connection

Record deal

New electric guitar




Strum Away



~March 2009~
~April 2009~
~May 2009~
~June 2009~

Fonts (Dobkin)
Music Notes
Poetic Inspiration
Main Pic
Other Pic :D

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to(countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities